The Thread
Animations for Web Show
"Two mates are on a mission to figure out how ten aussie icons, in completely different fields, broke away from the pack".
LaFinka joined hosts Hugh Minson and Jack Morphet in their mission, creating and animating the graphic package for this series. We can honestly say that we have learned a lot from this project! Each interview is filled with insightful tips on how to change your approach to life and reach success.
Check out a new video every week on their youtube channel, and if you feel inspired share and subscribe!
// Graphics Reel //
// Stills //

Creative Director:
Andrés Gómez Isaza
Andrés Gómez Isaza
Andrés Gómez Isaza
Mariana Calderón Tobón
Ivanof Martínez López
Andrés Gómez Isaza
Ivanof Martinez Lopez
Ivanof Martínez López
Andrés Gómez Isaza
Ivanof Martinez Lopez
Gustavo Collazos
Sound Editing:
Manuel Humberto Castaño González
Manuel Humberto Castaño González
Thanks for watching!