Animation sequences for the feature documentary "The Worm Hunters " produced by Fifty Fifty Films
“The Worm Hunters," collected the Special Jury Award at the 2011 Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival, one of the World's premier wildlife film festivals and market. Over 500 docos from 30 countries were entered in this prestigious 5 day long event.
"Worms" was produced by Brisbane based indie documentary company Gulliver Media Australia and was overseen by producer Chris Carroll and directed and shot by Randall Wood. Scott Walton from post-production house Fifty Fifty Films edited the film. Animation Director at Fifty Fifty Paul Butler and designer Andres Gomez were also responsible for the films title sequence, animation sequences, and final grading and on-line. “Worms” has previously won an Award at Scinema, Australia's travelling Science Film Festival.
The Jackson Hole Prize was accepted by Randall wood on behalf of Gulliver Media.
“I love this award. Roll out the red carpet.... Worms finally take to the international stage along with lions, sharks, tigers and deadly snakes,” Randall said upon accepting the Award.
Congratulations to Randall, Scott, Chris and Larry and everyone from team worm.
Produced by Gulliver Media
Directed by Randall Wood
Post Production by Fifty Fifty Films
Editor - Scott Walton
Animation Director - Paul Butler
Animator - Andres Gomez Isaza
Colorist - Paul Butler
Directed by Randall Wood
Post Production by Fifty Fifty Films
Editor - Scott Walton
Animation Director - Paul Butler
Animator - Andres Gomez Isaza
Colorist - Paul Butler